Drs. Lisa Brannon-Peppas and Christine Schmidt have both been appointed to the editorial board of the "International Journal of Nanomedicine."

Drs. Lisa Brannon-Peppas and Christine Schmidt have both been appointed to the editorial board of the "International Journal of Nanomedicine." Additionally Dr. Lisa Brannon-Peppas was appointed to the editorial board of "Expert Opinion in Drug Delivery" and to the new journal "Nanomedicine". Dr. Christine Schmidt was also appointed to the "Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition".

The "International Journal of Nanomedicine" is an international, peer-reviewed journal focusing on the application of nanotechnology in diagnostics, therapeutics, and drug delivery systems throughout the biomedical field. Reflecting the growing activity in this emerging specialty, the aim of this journal is to highlight research and development leading to potential clinical applications in the prevention and treatment of disease.

"Expert Opinion in Drug Delivery" provides a forum for commentary and analysis relating to current and emerging drug delivery technologies, from initial concept to potential therapeutic application and final relevance in clinical use.

"Nanomedicine" addresses the important challenges and advances in medical nanoscale-structured materials and devices, biotechnology devices and molecular machine systems and nanorobotics, delivering this essential information in concise, clear and attractive article formats, a valuable information source for all players in the field and across the scientific community.

Finally the "Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition" publishes fundamental research on the properties of polymeric biomaterials and the mechanisms of interaction between such biomaterials and living organisms, with attention being focused at the molecular and cellular levels. The journal publishes original research papers, short communications and review articles. The publication of this research is expected to contribute significantly to future progress in the practical applications of these substances.